Electrochemical Energy Storage Technologies |
This course will explain the principles and mathematical models of electrochemical energy storage technologies. Students will examine equivalent circuits, thermodynamics, reaction kinetics, convection phenomena, electrostatics and phase transformations. In addition, working principles and structures of batteries, fuel cells and supercapacitors will be explained. |
  1. Electrochemical Basics - Galvanic Cell - Electrolitic Cell |
 References  1. Elektrokimyanın Temelleri, V. S. Bagotsky, Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, İstanbul, 2015. |
Li-ion Batteries and Applications |
This course will explain the basic principles of Li-ion battery technologies. Students will have knowledge about Li-ion batteries components, production, applications and Battery Management Systems. |
 1. Basics of Energy Storage |
 References  1. Li-iyon Piller ve Uygulamaları, E. Biçer, M. Mazman, C. Kaypmaz, D. Uzun, Nobel Yayıncılık, 2020. |
Safety in R&D Laboratories |
The objective of this course is the prevention of accidents that students and researchers may encounter while working in R&D laboratories, protection from possible hazards arising from the materials studied, definition of chemical substances, storage, processes to be applied to wastes, working with explosive and flammable substances, distillation in the laboratory, working under high pressure and vacuum, electrical It has been prepared to give information about working with devices, protection from rays, fire precautions, fire extinguishers, masks and filters, toxicity, first aid in accidents. |
 1. The Importance of Safe Working  2. Procedures Before Starting Laboratory Study  3. Chemical Environment  4. Devices and Materials  5. Cleaning of Materials and Processes Applied to Waste Materials  6. Fire and Explosion Hazards  7. Working with Electrical Equipment  8. Working with Radioactive Materials and Rays  9. Hazardous Materials  10. Protection from Respiratory Hazards  11. First Aid in Accidents |
 References  1. M. Canel, E. Canel, Laboratuvar Güvenliği, Gazi Kitabevi, Ankara, 2016. |